Monday, April 6, 2009

Is Disruptive Innovation Largely a Random Process?

Innovation should be more targetable than it is today.

All of the 'innovation processes' proposed today by innovation consultants, except those used by Innovate the Future, seek to:

1) Increase the frequency of random creativity by 'empowering employees'
2) Increase the odds of 'catching' a random innovation by changing management style
3) Telling executives to take more risk with potential innovations

All of these merely wrap the current randomness of discovery and innovation. They don't actually drive targeted innovation.

The book The Innovation Equation by Jacqueline Byrd proposes the equation:

Innovation = Creativity * Risk Taking

This is a perfect reflection of the pure randomness of innovation today. Increase the number of people randomly creating and increase taking risks and you will eventually find a viable innovation from random events.

Innovate the Future's patented Targeted Innovation process does not require more people, a change in management or an increase in risk taking. It is driven by targeting your market, creating targeted inventions and deploying targeted innovations. Deployment can occur in weeks or months, not years.

David Croslin
President, Innovate the Future, Inc.


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