Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Ultimate Killer App - Lifestyle Convergence

What an interesting idea: “Calling on a Customer”. How about: “My sales territory”. Or: “Our regional reach”.

If these sound familiar to you, OK. If they sound right to you then stand up, turn toward the wall and bang your head soundly into the sheetrock until you are crying.

Why? Because, if you are still thinking in any way other than globally, you are missing out on your company’s true potential, and you SHOULD be crying.

People call it the Internet. It was originally called the ‘world wide web’. That’s what that little ‘www’ in the front of a website’s name means. But, now, even the ‘www’ is starting to be dropped. Because every site, unless it is blocked by a parent or government, is visible to EVERYONE in the entire world. We no longer need to distinguish it by using ‘www’.

I am sure you know who Stephen King, the author, is. One of the best selling authors of all time. He likes to experiment with new ways to deliver his personal content to his readers. He was one of the first with his own e-book. His own e-site. He does audio, movies and new video formats like for his story “N” (http://www.stephenking.com/n). He even has his stories now appear in comic books.

Can you guess who the largest seller is of Stephen King comic books in the world? Not Amazon. Not Barnes and Noble. It is my wife. From our home. While raising six children. She has sold in over 20 countries. She ships to soldiers in war zones. She has shipped to some places I had to look up in Wikipedia because I had no idea where they were.

My point is that she sells globally. She has a website (www.endworldcomics.com). She has never physically spoken to a single customer. They search. They find. They buy. They Pay. She ships. Nice!

The global customer is already here. Now.

The next generation of communications networks is coming, and they will have the speed and convergence needed to make service delivery transparent and to take full advantage of the global customer. It will converge lifestyles. A global suite of products will blend with individual lives. Forget about the triple play, the quad play and the quintuple play. I predict the coming of the ‘lifestyle play’.

The Lifestye Play can include any kind of services, not just communication services. Imagine: A person is traveling the world. As he travels he watches his digital content on any machine and any device. He reads e-books on his cell phone. Or maybe his cell phone reads to him through his bluetooth earpiece while sitting on a train watching the countryside fly by. In each new location he is presented with local ads for local products that fit his agenda, fit his personality, fit his lifestyle. If his train is late, his hotel reservation is changed. His tickets for the local concert are moved to a later time. Automatically. Because his service provider has a network that is integrated with his lifestyle. The network manages external influences like a concierge.
The service provider makes fees from the consumer for acting like a lifestyle firewall. The service provider also charges the advertisers. And the hotels. And the local vendors. And the content providers. Fees, fees and more fees.

Lifestyle convergence. I can’t wait. Cha-Ching.

David Croslin

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